Nominated for US Grammy Awards 2013
The music from Jul I Blåfjell and Jul på Månetoppen, composed by Bøhren & Åserud, arranged by Jan Gunnar Hoff and performed by Helene Bøksle, Arild Andersen, Mathias Eick, Bjørn Eidsvåg, Sondre Bratland a.o. The album was recorded by Morten Lindberg and received a Grammy nomination in the category Best surround sound. Full cred list
The album exists in high res formats under the title “Quiet winter night” and as CD with the title “Stille stille vinternatt” and misc artists. “The album Quiet Winter Night is probably one of several candidates to be one of the best albums of the 2L, and then both the music and the sound considered not to talk about the symbiosis of these two exercises”
Audiophile Audition: “A gorgeously-played and recorded program”
Einsnull (Germany): “The sound is amazing and gives the mix of folk and jazz a warm yet powerful expression. This is submersive music that capture the listener in a totally calming and comforting way”
Audiostream: “This wonderful recording is a blend of jazz and folk..the album fits together beautifully..highly recommended” “Hoff is an arranger with vision. Not only did he expand the scope of his ensemble by inviting musicians of great characters to collaborate, Hoff knew exactly how and when to let each shine, thus giving each song real character”
highresmac: “Jan Gunnar Hoff ist eine norwegische Institution. Der Pianist und Bandleader gilt als einfühlsam und interpretationsstark, was sich auch in den Arrangements von Quiet Winter Night zeigt”
Link to The Absolute Sound review
Link to 2L info and all reviews