Jan Gunnar Hoff continues his collaboration with Mike Stern in a new quartet setting, featuring drummer Audun Kleive and Per Mathisen on bass. This tour marks a 10 year anniversary for the Stern/Hoff-project, starting in 2006 with the premiere for Hoff´s commission MAGMA. The album MAGMA was released in 2008 and AAA wrote a.0: ”Stern delivers some of his best playing in years. Hoff’s writing and playing possesses an almost pop-like clarity and concision, but with a far richer vernacular”. Link to National Jazzscene, Oslo
Mike Stern & Jan Gunnar Hoff Quartet
Tønsberg, Vestfold, Norge ·
Urijazz Tønsberg, Vestfold
Norge · 20:00
Norge · 20:00